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Dustin De Vincentis of Alumni Services on Digital Transformation

In this episode, we talk with Dustin De Vincentis, Global Head of Financial Services at Alumni Services. Dustin comes from Columbia Business School and spent time at JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley before joining Alumni Services. Dustin comments about the often rocky world of digital transformation in financial services, with topics such as:

  • What was learned at large financial institutions that you carried into the FS startup world?
  • Is change, including digital transformation, harder to accomplish in financial services vs. other verticals?
  • How do you integrate business strategies with new technologies? Which of those things tends to drive the other?
  • What are the best and most effective ways to implement change in a highly risk-averse industry and organization?
  • Who makes a good B2B partner for a finserv company?
  • What are the characteristics of a good, mutually beneficial relationship?

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